Partial Tuition Refund Scheme
for the Specialised Aircraft Maintenance Programme


To offer young people an extra financial incentive to choose specialised aircraft maintenance programmes and join the aircraft maintenance industry after graduation, the Government, with the support of the Vocational Training Council (VTC), launches the Partial Tuition Refund Scheme for the Specialised Aircraft Maintenance Programme. This Scheme is administered by VTC.


This scheme aims to encourage young people to choose the two specialised aircraft maintenance programmes offered by VTC, namely the Higher Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering and the Diploma of Vocational Education (Aircraft Maintenance) and join the aircraft maintenance industry after graduation, which will help attract young people and support the sustainable development of the aircraft maintenance industry.

Eligible applicants will receive 50% refund of the total tuition fee paid for the specialised aircraft maintenance programme, subject to a maximum sum of HK$50,000 (whichever is the less) each.


The eligible applicant should:

Other conditions

Procedures for application

Application form


For enquiries, please send email to (IVE(TY)), (YC(KB)) or or call IVE(TY) at 2436 8641 or YC(KB) at 3552 9760.