Aviation Development and Three-Runway System Advisory Committee

Terms of Reference

To advise the Government on -

  1. broad policy matters concerning Hong Kong civil aviation including -
    1. the operation and development of the Hong Kong air transport system;
    2. air transport services; and
    3. legislation as may be required to give effect to such policy matters;
  2. issues relating to the implementation of the Three-Runway System (3RS) at the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), including project design and construction, project cost and financial arrangement, environmental impacts, human resources supply, public engagement, and other pertinent matters;
  3. operational performance and development proposals at HKIA other than 3RS;
  4. measures for further promoting Hong Kong's status as a centre of international and regional aviation; and
  5. any specific matters concerning civil aviation as may from time to time be referred to the Committee by the Government.

Membership (As at 1 August 2023)

Secretary for Transport and Logistics

Ir. Aaron BOK Kwok-ming
Mr. Aaron CHAN Wing-kai
Ir. Prof. Angus CHEUNG Him-wah
Mr. Herbert CHIA Pun-kok, J.P.
Ms. Christina CHONG Dong-ying*
Ms. FUNG Sau-yim
Ms. Mary HUEN Wai-yi, J.P.
Mr. Ronald LAM Siu-por
Mr. Edward LIU, M.H.
Professor LO Hong-kam, J.P.
Professor Becky LOO Pui-ying, J.P.
Ir. Dr. Derrick PANG Yat-bond, J.P.
Dr. PANG Yiu-kai, G.B.S., J.P.
Mr. Tommy TAM Kwong-shun
Mr. Brian WU Pak-hei
Dr. Frederick YIP Yeung-fai
Dr. William YU Yuen-ping
Ir. Elsa YUEN May-yee
Mr. Chris ZHAO Peng
Permanent Secretary for Transport and Logistics (ex officio)
Chief Executive Officer, Airport Authority Hong Kong (ex officio)
Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (ex officio)
Director-General of Civil Aviation (ex officio)

* Appointed through the Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth.