Welcome Message

Welcome to the homepage of the Air Accident Investigation Authority (AAIA) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. The AAIA is a new and independent authority established under the Transport and Logistics Bureau (TLB) for the conduct of aviation safety investigations in line with International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and international investigation best practice.

In Hong Kong, civil aviation accident investigation is conducted in accordance with the Hong Kong Civil Aviation (Investigations of Accidents) Regulations (Chapter 448B) with reference to International 'Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)’s requirements in ICAO Annex 13 to the Convention on International ‘Civil Aviation – Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation. '

The purpose of AAIA investigations is not to apportion blame or liability. The purpose of investigations is to analyze the accident/incident, conclude the causes of the event and produce Safety Recommendations to prevent the reoccurrence of accidents/incidents.

The AAIA investigates civil aircraft accidents and serious incidents within the Hong Kong territories or Territorial waters or involve a Hong Kong registered aircraft in other territories or in international waters.

It is committed to identifying the underlying causes of accidents or serious incidents using modern analysis techniques in line with international best practice conducting investigations into the circumstances of accidents and serious incidents during the conduct of investigations.

It has an important role in the prevention of future accidents and continuous improvement in aviation safety: the authority proactively collects and analyses relevant aviation safety information and data with a view to identify potential safety hazards before they develop into a safety concern.

Also important is its role and function to produce safety information and advisory reports to highlight safety trend data, educate and inform the aviation industry on current local and contemporary international safety initiatives , conjunction with spreading safety measures based on the causes of accidents to the wider aviation safety audience.

I hope you will find our homepage informative and useful.

Chief Accident and Safety Investigator